mwsnap375 2008-07-07, 19_10_21


April 3, 2008 Автор: Мидраша Ционит - No Comments

Это сказка про огонек

жил-был огонек, но .





заThe documents in this section are the ones allowing you to check that the land we are offering you in this website does belong to Sierra Colorado and by investing in the company, you will be acquiring shares which correspond to a certain number of square meters of the land.

это картинка такая-то и такая-то

The “nota simple” is the title deeds of the property which you can also obtain at ‘Registro de la propriedad Number 6’ (Gran Vía De Colón 46, 18010 Granada, +34 958 292 911) and you will be able to see that the land is free of any collateral.
We have hired also the best lawyer firms in order to move forward with the authorization process. Backer & McKenzie have drawn a very detailed document in order to know what process needs to be done in order to obtain the building permits we are aiming to get.
You will finally be able through that section to visualize the offering memorandum of the fund through which you will be able to acquire shares of the fund and understand clearly and legally what you will own.